
Quadratic-auxiliary variable Runge-Kutta method for the Camassa-Holm equation

信息来源: 作者:  发布时间:2023-10-14

报告题目:Quadratic-auxiliary variable Runge-Kutta method for the Camassa-Holm equation


时间:2023年10月14日(周六)10:00 a.m.



摘要:In this talk, we take the Camassa-Holm equation as an example to propose a novel class of Runge-Kutta methods for  conservative systems, which is  named  quadratic  auxiliary  variable  Runge-Kutta  (QAVRK)  methods.  The  resulting  methods  are  shown  to  inherit  the  relationship  between  the  auxiliary  variable  and the original one,  and  thus  can  be  simplified  by  eliminating  the  auxiliary variable, which leads to a new class of QAVRK schemes. Furthermore, the  QAVRK  methods  are  proved  rigorously  to  preserve  the  original  energy  conservation  law.  Numerical  examples  are  presented  to  confirm  the  expected  order of accuracy, conservative property and efficiency of the proposed schemes. This numerical strategy makes it possible to directly apply the SRK methods to develop energy-preserving algorithms for general conservation systems with any polynomial energy.


王雨顺,南京师范大学教授、博导。长期从事保结构算法及其应用研究,主持完成6项国家基金委项目,同时作为主要成员参加科技部“863”课题、“973”项目、“863”计划、 基金委重点项目,以第一完成人获得足球比分网自然科学奖二等奖,入选江苏省“333”工程、 青蓝工程学术带头人、江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才;江苏省创新团队主持人;获得江苏省科技进步奖,江苏省数学成就奖。专著《偏微分方程保结构算法》获得第三届中国政府出版奖-图书奖。现任期刊International Journal of Computer Mathematics、《计算数学》编委。江苏省数学学会计算数学分理事长。

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