
大学本科内容主要讲授《数学分析》、《微积分》、《高等数学》课程。硕士研究生内容主要讲授《微分方程定性理论》、《The Qualitative Methods and Numerical Simulations of Differential Equations》(微分方程定性方法和数值模拟)、《Bifurcation Theory of Limit Cycles》(极限环分支理论)、《广义Hamilton系统论文选读》课程。
1.Xiaochun Hong*, ShaolongXie, Rui Ma. On the Abelian integrals of quadratic reversible centers with orbits formed by genus one curves of higher degree. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol. 429(2015), pp. 924-941. (SCI二区、MR)
2.Xiaochun Hong*, ShaolongXie, Longwei Chen. Estimating the number of zeros for Abelian integrals of quadratic reversible centers with orbits formed by higher-order curves. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, vol. 26, no. 2 (2016), 1650020 (16 pages). (SCI二区、EI、MR)
3.Shaolong Xie, Xiaochun Hong*, Tao Jiang. Planar bifurcation method of dynamical system for investigating different kinds of bounded travelling wave solutions of a generalized Camassa-Holm equation. Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation, vol. 7, no. 1 (2017), pp. 278-290. (SCI、MR)
4.Xiaochun Hong*, Junliang Lu, Yanjie Wang. Upper bounds for the associated number of zeros of Abelian integrals for two classes of quadratic reversible centers of genus one. Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation, to appear. (SCI、MR期刊)
5.Shaolong Xie*, Xiaochun Hong, Bin Gao. The periodic traveling-wave solutions of the short-pulse equation. Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 218, no. 6 (2011), pp. 2542-2548. (SCI二区、EI、MR)
6. Xianbin Wu, Weiguo Rui*, Xiaochun Hong. A generalized KdV equation of neglecting the highest-order infinitesimal term and its exact traveling wave solutions. Abstract and Applied Analysis, vol. 2013, 656297, 15 pages. (SCI、MR)
7. Xianbin Wu, Weiguo Rui*, Xiaochun Hong. Exact traveling wave solutions of explicit type, implicit type and parametric type for K(m,n) equation. Journal of Applied Mathematics, vol. 2012, 236875, 23 pages. (SCI、MR)
8. Xianbin Wu, Weiguo Rui*, Xiaochun Hong. A new discrete integrable system derived from a generalized Ablowitz-Ladik hierarchy and its Darboux transformation. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, vol. 2012, 652076, 19 pages. (SCI、MR)
9.Xiaochun Hong, Qinghua Qin*. Bifurcation of limit cycles in two given planar polynomial systems. Lecture Note in Electrical Engineering 126 (2012), pp. 705-713. (EI期刊)
10. 洪晓春. 一类二次可逆系统Abel积分零点个数的上界. 应用数学学报,2010, 33(5): 1-11. (核心)
11. 洪晓春. 一类二次可逆系统Abel积分零点个数的线性估计. 数学进展, 2010, 39(3): 338-346. (核心)
12. 洪晓春, 马锐, 王彬. 一类二次可逆系统Abel积分的零点个数估计. 数学的实践与认识, 2015, 45(5): 270-276. (核心、MR)