Email: lcx13099971218@163.com.
2010年9月-2014年7月 曲阜师范大学杏坛大学,理学院,理学学士;
2014年9月-2016年7月 昆明理工大学,理学院,理学硕士;
4. 研究工作经历
2021年9月----至今 雷速体育,足球比分网 讲师
(1)微/纳谐振器系统的动力学分析与时滞控制研究,云南省科技厅 基础研究专项-青年项目:2022年6月-2025年5月;主持
[1] C.X. Liu, Y. Yan, W.Q. Wang, D.H. Wang, Optimal time delayed control of the combination resonances of viscoelastic graphene sheets under dual-frequency excitation, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. (2022) 165: 112856.
[2] C.X. Liu, D.H. Wang, Dynamic Analysis of Micro-shock Absorbers, Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies. (2022) DOI: 10.1007/s42417-022-00728-0.
[3] C.X. Liu, Y. Yan, W.Q. Wang, Optimal delayed control of primary and second resonances of an electrostatic driving double-sided micro-actuator, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. 142 (2021) 110499.
[4] C.X. Liu, Y. Yan, W.Q. Wang, Application of nonlocal continuum theory to the primary resonance analysis of an axially loaded nano beam under time delay control, Applied Mathematical Modelling. 85 (2020) 124–140.
[5] C.X. Liu, Y. Yan, W.Q. Wang, Resonance and chaos of micro and nano electro mechanical resonators with time delay feedback, Applied Mathematical Modelling. 79 (2020) 469-489.
[6] C.X. Liu, Y. Yan, W.Q. Wang, Resonances and chaos of electrostatically actuated arch micro/nanoresonators with time delay velocity feedback, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. 131 (2020) 109512.
[7] C.X. Liu, Y. Yan, W.Q. Wang, Primary and secondary resonance analyses of a cantilever beam carrying an intermediate lumped mass with time-delay feedback, Nonlinear Dynamics. 97(2019) 1175–1195.
[8] C.X. Liu, S.M. Li, Y. Yan, Hopf bifurcation analysis of a density predator-prey model with crowley-martin functional response and two time delays, Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation. 9(4) (2019) 1589–1605.