1. 个人简介
杨锦宣,1979年6月出生,数学博士(上海交通大学), 教授, 硕士生导师,云南省兴滇英才青年人才。
Email: yangjinxuan_2007@163.com 或 yangjxuan@hotmail.com
2. 研究方向
3. 受教育经历
4. 研究工作经历
2008年9月-2013年9月,丽江师范高等专科雷速体育, 数学与计算机科学系, 助教
2013年9月-2014年9月,丽江师范高等专科雷速体育, 数学与计算机科学系, 讲师
2017年9月-2020年9月,云南财经大学,统计与数学学院, 讲师
2020年9月-2023年9月,云南财经大学,统计与数学学院, 副教授,硕士生导师
2023年9月至今,云南财经大学,统计与数学学院, 教授,硕士生导师
5. 科研项目
6. 代表性科研成果
[1] Xin Li, Jin-Xuan Yang?, Hai-Yan Wang, Ying Tan (2024) Controlling the spread of infectious diseases by using random walk method to remove many important links, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 128: 107658. (SCI)
[2] Jin-Xuan Yang?, Zhong-Pan Cao, Yikang Lu (2023) Contagion dynamics on a compound model, Applied Mathematics and Computation,460: 128293. (SCI)
[3] Binchao Huang, Jin-Xuan Yang?, Xin Li (2021) Identifying influential links to control spreading of epidemics, Physica A, 583: 126291. (SCI)
[4] Yun Zhang and Jin-Xuan Yang? (2021) Contagion dynamics in multilayer network with community structure, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 35 (17): 2150179. (SCI)
[5] Jin-Xuan Yang (2021) A SIRD epidemic model with community structure , Chaos, 31: 013102. (SCI)
[6] Jin-Xuan Yang? and Yun Zhang (2020) Epidemic spreading of evolving community structure , Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 140: 110101. (SCI)
[7] Jin-Xuan Yang (2020) The spreading of infectious diseases with recurrent mobility of community population, Physica A, 541:123316. (SCI)
[8] Jin-Xuan Yang (2019) Epidemic spreading on multilayer homogeneous evolving networks,Chaos, 29: 103146. (SCI)
[9] Jin-Xuan Yang (2019) Epidemic spreading on evolving networks,International Journal of Modern Physics B, 33: 1950266. (SCI)
[10] Jin-Xuan Yang (2018) Epidemic spreading in multiplex networks with heterogeneous infection rate, EPL (Europhysics letters), 124: 58004. (SCI)
[11] Jin-Xuan Yang and Xiao-Dong Zhang (2017) Revealing how network structure affects accuracy of link prediction, European Physical Journal B, 90: 157. (SCI)
[12] Jin-Xuan Yang and Xiao-Dong Zhang (2017) A spectral method to detect community structure based on distance modularity matrix, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 31: 1750129. (SCI)
[13] Jin-Xuan Yang and Xiao-Dong Zhang (2017) Finding overlapping communities using seed set, Physica A, 467: 96-106. (SCI)
[14] Jin-Xuan Yang and Xiao-Dong Zhang (2016) Predicting missing links in complex networks based on common neighbors and distance, Scientific Reports, 6: 38208. (SCI)
(2) 著作:
王汉权、王海燕、黄斌超、杨锦宣等(2023)概率论与数理统计(理工类). 北京:科学出版社
王汉权、王海燕、黄斌超、杨锦宣等(2023)概率论与数理统计(经管类). 北京:科学出版社
7. 人才培养
担任硕士生导师, 截至2023.12,指导全日制在读硕士生3名,已毕业并获得学位2名,2名获国家奖学金。